“In this book, we are invited to explore one of the great spiritual movements born in the twentieth century: Reiki. Don Beckett, unlike many writers on the subject, comes not with blind affirmations regarding the life of Reiki's founder, Mikao Usui. Instead, gathering the latest discoveries made about Usui, Beckett attempts to paint the most accurate portrait possible of a man whose life has been, until now, cloaked in legend. We now see Mikao Usui more fully, as a seeker of truth, concerned about human beings and the true meaning of a human life.
“Beckett describes in detail and with clarity many of the Japanese healing techniques associated with Reiki, as well as those used by the practitioner to increase his or her connection to the universal Source. Also discussed are the archetypal Reiki symbols, their inner meanings and uses, and the energetic empowerment procedure called Reiju, which is largely unknown in Reiki today. Also incorporating selected knowledge from other disciplines, Beckett reveals not just a deeper understanding of Reiki, but a holistic understanding of the energetic nature of life. This book is not only the exploration of a teaching, but the exploration of our true nature and the means leading to its discovery.”
—Karma Tsering, teacher of Reiki, Paris and Amsterdam
“In what is destined to become a classic work about Reiki, Beckett-sensei takes us on a step-by-step journey toward spiritual healing, which then manifests as tangible healing in all aspects of our lives. Having begun our own healing, our influence on the world around us—like ripples from a pebble dropped into a still pond—benefits everyone and everything. And we learn to focus our healing energy as needed. This wonderful book is your opportunity to be healed and to help heal the world.”
—Gyo Bo In Nichijo Fumon, Abbot, Fumon Shugyo-An (Hokke-Mon Shu Buddhist Tradition)
Product Description
Reiki: The True Story is a comprehensive investigation of Reiki as both a healing practice and a lifelong path of spiritual awakening. Author and Reiki expert Don Beckett weaves together a new story about Reiki’s origins and its founder’s true vision. The foundation of this book is the teachings of a group of Reiki founder Mikao Usui’s original students, who held their master’s knowledge in secrecy for more than seventy years.
After a general introduction to Reiki, Beckett presents a thorough history of the discipline (including the testimony of some of Usui’s students) as well as an in-depth manual for practice. The author rounds out his exploration with material from world renowned, contemporary Reiki Masters, Beckett’s own insights into the nature of Reiki energy, as well as information about the chakra system, yin and yang, and the Five Transformations. The book concludes with a chapter entitled “Beyond Reiki,” which bridges knowledge of Reiki with the lesser-known practice of Johrei. Thorough explanations coupled with cutting-edge discoveries about Reiki’s past make this a compelling volume for novice and experienced practitioners alike.
Reiki The True Story